Discover which are the 40 safest countries during this period of global crisis due to the great pandemic caused by the coronavirus Covid -19.
It is important to know which countries are least affected by this global coronavirus pandemic.
Which are the safest countries during Covid-19?

Deep Knowledge Group ranked the 40 safest countries in the world to be in during the great pandemic.
The table above shows the result of the ranking on April 12, 2020 starting from the safest country.
In the top-10 of the safest countries, there are Israel, Germany, South Korea, Australia, China, New Zeland, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong.
Keeping people safe in quarantine is of great importance in the pandemic. Therefore, factors such as quarantine efficiency, state policies, monitoring and detecting COVID-19, and being ready for emergency treatment were taken into consideration.
Which are the riskiest countries?

The team study also classified the countries with the highest risk level during the outbreak, starting from the riskiest, on April 12, 2020.
For this ranking, it is very important the speed of spreading. Obviously, there are other factors like state administration and health facilities.
Which are the countries with the best treatment efficiency?

Deep Knowledge Group ranked also the 10 best countries in the world with the most successful in coronavirus treatment. Therefore, the countries in this category are the ones that provide the best treatments for the disease on April 12, 2020.
Research method
Deep Knowledge Group used 76 parameters analyzing 150 countries to value the countries by health safety ratio, treatment efficiency, and risk level during the coronavirus Covid-19 great pandemic.
Some of the most important parameters considered are the following:
- numbers COVID-19 cases and deaths
- geographic size and demographics
- hospital capacity
- medical expertise
- GovTech e-government systems and defense capabilities
Basic protective measures against the coronavirus COVID-19
World Health Organization (WHO) advises to take care of your health and protect others by doing the following:
- Wash your hands frequently or use an alcohol-based solution
- Maintain social distancing a minimum of 1 meter
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
- Practice respiratory hygiene covering your mouth and nose along with your bent elbow or tissue after you cough or sneeze. Then get rid of the used tissue immediately
- If you have got fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical aid early (stay home if you are feeling unwell)
- Stay informed and follow the recommendations given by your healthcare provider
Cover image: Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash