Tag Archives: Lombardy

The Parco dei Fontanili of Capralba
The Parco dei Fontanili of Capralba is located in Lombardy, precisely in the northern part of the Crema plain. This is an area of truly great value, both in terms of nature and landscape, as it hosts many specimens of unique flora and fauna. Let’s explore it together! How to reach the Fontanili di Capralba […]
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Green weekend in Ticino Park, Italy
Let’s discover together Ticino Park, green lungs a few miles from Milan, through bike routes and walks in beautiful art cities A few kilometers from the metropolis of Milan, a beautiful natural landscape opens in front of us: here we are at the Ticino Park, one of the green lungs of Italy, where nature shines […]
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Sustainable Lombardy: 10 Organic Farm Holidays for your Trip
Sustainable Lombardy: among natural parks and rural landscapes, discover the most beautiful and sustainable organic farmhouses in this region. Spend your next vacation in sustainable Lombardy: choose one of these organic farms, to support sustainable tourism and live a unique experience in contact with nature. Organic farms among the hills, ecological and charming farmhouses… Choosing […]
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Your Wellness Holiday in Brembana Valley (Italy)
Are you ready to immerse yourself in the nature of the Brembana Valley? Here, among the spectacular landscapes and historic villages, there are famous Terme di San Pellegrino; and so a wellness holiday is guaranteed. The Brembana Valley houses the profile of the beautiful Orobie Alps, fairy-tale landscapes, vast woods, suggestive corners, a dense network of paths […]
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Botton d’Oro – Creative Recycling and Slow Turism in Valle Imagna
A perfect mix of creativity, recycling, and sustainability. All in an Eco-B&B that promotes slow tourism in Valle Imagna. We interviewed Letizia Invernizzi, owner of EcoBnB Botton d’Oro To recycle and give new life to objects. This is the philosophy of B&B Botton d’Oro and its owner, Letizia Invernizzi. After her thesis on slow tourism in Valle […]
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10 Wonderful Free Natural Pools, to the Discovery of the Wildest Part of Italy
Have you ever seen pictures of fabulous but wild places with waterfalls, streams, natural pools, and lakes, which make you want to get there and immediately start diving? If so, you ought to know that even in Italy, and maybe not far from where you live, there are plenty of natural pools where you can enjoy […]
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In praise of escape: 10 chic breaks in Italy far from everything
You need to stop. To get off the daily carousel made of a thousand commitments and situations that sometimes appear asphyxiating. To get away from the usual routine, so tiring and pressing. You need to escape. To find your balance, to breathe and rediscover beauty. Sometimes escape is really necessary, and what better way than […]
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A new eco-friendly Route in Italy, on the trail of Leonardo da Vinci
“Il Sentiero di Leonardo” (the trail of Leonardo da Vinci) is a new amazing historical path from Milan (north Italy) to San Bernardino (Switzerland). The itinerary retraces the places where Leonardo da Vinci did his works and studies when he lived in the Ducato of Milan. Probably the most productive period of his longstanding straordinary carreer. A 240 km path […]
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Alto Garda: 10 reasons to return to one of the favorite destinations by foreigners
There is always a reason to see for the first time or return to Alto Garda! Discover some of its wonders and get ready to surprise yourself Every now and then we Italians forget about how beautiful our country is. On the other hand, Germans, Austrians, Swiss and Russians know it very well, and so […]
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10 Things to Do and See in Val Tidone
Between the provinces of Pavia and Piacenza, between Emilia Romagna and Lombardy a rich land of quiet and beauty expands. It is Val Tidone, which comes to its travelers as an unexpected surprise, where we rediscover the authentic taste of Italy less well known. Val Tidone is made of silence, hills, forests, vineyards and castles. We selected the […]
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