Tag Archives: path

Along Via Francigena, from Costamezzana to Fornovo Taro
Via Francigena is a wonderful path that has attracted numerous pilgrims looking for spirituality. It’s not a single road, it’s a network of paths. Along these streets, which lead from northern Europe and France to Rome and Apulia (where the boarding to the Holy Land was situated), thousands of pilgrims used to walk searching for […]
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Ciclovie dei Parchi: 10 Bike Routes Through the Parks of Emilia Romagna
Is cycling your passion? Follow the Ciclovie dei Parchi and discover 10 bike itineraries among the most beautiful parks of Emilia Romangna. “A bike ride is an escape from sadness” – James E. Starrs. Cycling is your biggest passion? And you really like doing it in the middle of unspoilt nature? You’re in the right […]
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