Tag Archives: eco-travelers

The 5 Biggest Eco-Tourism Mistakes That Can Increase, Not Decrease Your Carbon Footprint
Eco-Tourism is fast growing among today’s eco-conscious travelers. As our environmental concerns become more serious, holiday makers and travelers alike are trying to vacation in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way. However, it is quite easy to make mistakes that actually increase your carbon footprint, not minimise it. Here are the 5 most common eco-tourism […]
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Slovenia virtual walk: Top 10 natural attractions for eco travelers
Enjoy the most beautiful panoramas of Slovenia through virtual technology. Use it to take a virtual walk in Slovenia and to plan your future trips. Discover the top 10 natural and cultural attractions we have chosen for sustainable eco-travelers. Julian Alps In Julian Alps, you will find magnificent peaks that reach over 2,500 m in […]
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Your Small Guide to Zero-Waste Travel
Everyone can be a zero-waste traveler. Traveling waste-free is not as hard as many people think. If you aren’t sure how you can be a zero-waste traveler, we have lined up a small guide to zero-waste travel for you, so don’t worry. Just read the tips shared in this article and follow them the next time you […]
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10 Green Ideas For A Holiday For Singles
An eco-traveler has written to ask us for advice on a solo trip: so we started to think about a holiday for singles, a moment to reflect, to get to know yourself better while discovering new places and meeting new people. Good evening, I would like to ask you if among the many holiday solutions […]
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40 Easy Tips to decrease your Carbon Footprint on your Next Vacation
How many natural resources do we consume when we travel? How can we reduce the carbon footprint and CO2 emissions of our holidays? Discover 40 simple rules to travel more sustainably! The ecological footprint measures how many natural resources produced by the Earth we consume with our actions, including travel. The carbon footprint is a […]
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10 things to do in Bali, while also engaging in slow tourism
The island of Bali is becoming more and more popular. Luckily many of the locals and visitors are recognizing the need for taking actions and spreading awareness to conserve Bali’s uniqueness. By being an eco-traveler and getting inspired by the 10 following ideas, you can do it too! We have collected 10 itinerary ideas, that […]
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