Tag Archives: ecobnbs

Caldonazzo Lake, the Holiday for Slow Travelling lovers
Trentino is slow and sustainable. The Eco bnb “Casa sul Lago” explains us the new ecologic choices and values of life. A special holiday on a lake. We interviewed the owner of Eco-friendly Casa Sul Lago, a B&B on the shore of Lake Caldonazzo. An ideal place for an ecologic and slow holiday. A natural […]
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10 Green Hotels with Castle View in Italy
Italy is dotted with castles: impregnable medieval fortresses that tell our past and evoke incredible legends. Each castle is immersed in a natural scenery that leaves you breathless. The encounter between history and nature makes the atmosphere even more suggestive. Doesn’t it seem the perfect place to spend a dreamy weekend? We have selected for […]
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Changing Your Life: the Incredibile Stories of Ecobnbs
Behind every Ecobnb there is a story. The extraordinary story of those who have decided to change their lives, of those who have returned to their origins, the story of ancient abandoned buildings that have found a second life. In recent years we have met many people who have decided to embark on an adventure […]
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Botton d’Oro – Creative Recycling and Slow Turism in Valle Imagna
A perfect mix of creativity, recycling, and sustainability. All in an Eco-B&B that promotes slow tourism in Valle Imagna. We interviewed Letizia Invernizzi, owner of EcoBnB Botton d’Oro To recycle and give new life to objects. This is the philosophy of B&B Botton d’Oro and its owner, Letizia Invernizzi. After her thesis on slow tourism in Valle […]
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