Do you want to approach the world of natural medicine and discover its enormous benefits? You can do this by staying in one of these green accommodations…
What do we mean by naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine, or Naturopathy, is an approach which aims at treating and healing diseases through the use of natural remedies, such as herbs or minerals. Naturopaths believe that wellness is man’s natural state of being. That’s why they try to encourage patients’ self-inherent healing process as naturally and gently as possible. They prefer to treat the root causes of an illness and teach patients how to improve their health rather than just stop the symptoms.
Naturopathic medicine includes several treatment approaches: Chinese medicine, Bach Flower remedies, Aromatherapy and many other. Some of them date back to ancient tradition while others are recent. Nevertheless, this natural approach was burn centuries ago, when men had no other medical treatment than healing herbs.
Naturopathy has been very popular over recent years. More and more people resort to essential oils, massage therapy or reflexology to treat many different sicknesses. Sleeping disorders, migraines, mental and physical fatigue are just some of them.
Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine
Why should we choose Naturopathic Medicine?

First of all this approach takes into great account both the physical and emotional state of the patient. Therefore naturopaths try to investigate many aspects of one’s life in order to better help him/her achieve health and inner peace. Meditation, relaxation and an honest and efficient doctor-patient communication are really important to assure the healing process.
What is more, these techniques are surely less invasive than traditional medicines. Indeed natural remedies do not risk to weaken our health and do not have contraindications.
Lastly, naturopathic medicine employs resources which exist in nature. Therefore, it is economically and environmentally sustainable since resources do to undergo long and expensive chemical processes.

The natural approach can be very helpful during such a difficult moment. Coronavirus forced us to abandon our daily routine and to spend most of the time at home. However, this “extraordinary” situation risks compromising our physical and mental health and lead to concentration issues, anxiety, and insomnia. So a great solution could be to flood the house with energizing scents or to prepare infusions of calming herbs.
Unplug to recharge at the holistic eco hospitality
If you want to get closer to naturopathic medicine and discover personally its benefits, we suggest you to stay in one of these wonderful tourist structures.
Eco-Glamping Belajevi, Among Medical Herbs And Aromatic Spices
At the eco-glamping Belajevi, in the Karst region in Slovenian, you’ll learn to recognize medical herbs and their healing properties. The estate is surrounded by a huge garden which boasts fascinating colors and pleasing scents. Here you’ll take part in herbal workshops and you’ll take a walk among about 100 species of medical plants, aromatic spices and fruit trees.
The eco-glamping also offers the chance to taste homemade dishes cooked with local products and spices from its garden. While tasting them, you’ll be given interesting and useful information about the herbs used for the preparation.
Bio-Hotel St. Daniel, A Holistic Center To Recover Energy
Bio-hotel St.Daniel, in the wild and charming zone of the Karst, in Slovenian, is the perfect place where to be loaded with positive thoughts and energy. St. Daniel is a holistic center, which aims at offering its guests physical, mental and spiritual well-being. That’s why guests can resort to crystal therapy, hydro- and aromatherapy.
Their commitment to sustainability is evident in every detail. The hotel is made of recycled wood and the cuisine characterized by traditional recipes and local products. The restaurant is attentive to every need. As a matter of fact, it offers vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and lactose-free options.
Wooden House Imanje Pijevci, Among Healing Herbs And Organic Cosmetics
The welcoming wooden house Imanje Pijevci is located in the north-west part of Croazia. The owners renovated it by preserving the old and precious original furniture. Its location, immersed in nature, its elegant cellar made of stone, its pool and whirlpool make it the perfect place to relax.
Most of all, guests can try the healing herbs and organic cosmetics personally produced by the owners of the house. They also own the family farm Jakopovic. And if you want, you can help them in the harvest or distillation.
What are you waiting for? Book your stay in a wonderful green hotel and discover the naturopathic world. We’re sure you’ll appreciate it!
Featured Image via Canva