Tag Archives: mountains

Monti Sibillini National Park: Complete Guide to Your High-Altitude Adventure
Visit Monti Sibillini National Park to live a truly magical holiday surrounded by 70,000 hectares of majestic nature, in an area rich in culture and ancient history The Park houses the highest mountain range in the northern Appennines. The highest peak is Mount Vettore, with its 8,123 ft. Other notable mountains include Mount Priora, Mount […]
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Living in the mountains: 10 eco-friendly hospitality that will make you dream
Jean-Jacques Rousseau once wrote “I must have mountain torrents, rocks, firs, dark forests, mountains, steep roads to climb or descend, precipices at my side to frighten me.” Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever dreamed of leaving everything and living in the mountains, watching breathtaking sunrises, breathing pure air and discovering the silence […]
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Streams and pastures: the dreamy landscapes of Val di Fumo
There is a path that allows you to discover in a few hours an amazing territory, made of postcard landscapes, flowing water and clouds that seem to envelop you. Val di Fumo is the southernmost valley of Adamello Brenta Park and is located right on the border with Lombardy, delimited by Mount Fumo (3409 m) […]
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Ciclovie dei Parchi: 10 Bike Routes Through the Parks of Emilia Romagna
Is cycling your passion? Follow the Ciclovie dei Parchi and discover 10 bike itineraries among the most beautiful parks of Emilia Romangna. “A bike ride is an escape from sadness” – James E. Starrs. Cycling is your biggest passion? And you really like doing it in the middle of unspoilt nature? You’re in the right […]
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Discover a Geopark: 5 green experiences in Adamello Brenta Park
They almost seem to face each other, the Brenta Dolomites on one side and the Adamello-Presanella group on the other. Here there’s Adamello Brenta Geopark, the largest protected area in Trentino. Between fairytale landscapes and wild nature, in this wonderful territory you can get lost among majestic peaks, suggestive glaciers, thick woods, waterfalls and enchanting […]
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Alta Via Dei Parchi: strolling aroud 500 Km of Unspoilt Nature
Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts.. (Søren Kierkegaard) With this quote, the famous philosopher Kierkegaard wants us to think about how important walking is in our everyday life. Also, […]
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San Michele: the Abbey which inspired Umberto Eco
Let’s discover the San Michele Abbey, a majestic abbey on the top of the Pirchiriano mountain, in the west of Turin. This abbey inspired the author Umberto Eco for its debut novel The Name of the Rose. …because of the inaccessible position, the abbey was capable of generating fear in every traveler who approached it… […]
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Discover Val Tassobbio, the land of Slow Travel and UNESCO Geoparks
Val Tassobbio is the land of Biodiversity, Parmigiano Reggiano and new eco-friendly accommodations. Discover the perfect destination for your slow travel in Emilia Romagna! Val Tassobbio lies in the heart of the Italian Apennine, in Emilia Romagna. This hidden valley is a biodiverse land where you can discover various beautiful landscapes. In fact, you can find […]
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25 Eco-conscious Hotels in Adamello Brenta Park
On one side the indescribable beauty of the Brenta Dolomites, on the other the extraordinary spectacle of the Adamello glaciers: in the middle an incredible territory dotted with greenery, lakes, coniferous forests, waterfalls and pastures: the Adamello Brenta Park is the most extensive protected area in Trentino and a perfect destination for a holiday of […]
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Top 10 waterfalls of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park
Jumps of water immersed in the uncontaminated nature that will leave you breathless. Let’s discover 10 beautiful waterfalls of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, Trentino, Italy Among our favorite destinations in Trentino, there is certainly the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, a place where nature offers unique shows and unexpected encounters, showing its pristine beauty in every […]
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