Copenhagen is a smart city. The Danish capital has a climate plan to be zero carbon and the world’s first CO2-neutral city by 2025
The Danish capital stands out for its silence, quality of life, territorial organization, green spaces, bicycle lanes, and others. Today it is considered one of the safest cities to live in, with a particular culture, an architecture that combines classic and modern, and a technological development that positions it as a smart city.

It is one of the most developed cities in the world, with economic stability and good infrastructure, which is going through an important demographic and industrial growth but does not lose sight of its environmental objectives.

It currently has an estimated population of 1.3 million people and its population is constantly growing, which requires major changes in order to maintain a good quality of life and economic development.
Copenhagen 2025 Climate Plan
The city’s main objective in its CPH 2025 Climate Plan is to be the world’s first CO2-free capital-metropolis by 2025.

Copenhagen’s ambitions include the Climate Plan 2025, which sets out the pillars, goals and actions to be implemented within four main lines of action:
Energy consumption
Energy production
Green Mobility
Municipality of Copenhagen as a climate company
Since 2009 the city has been focused on reducing its C02 emissions. To achieve this goal the city is constantly focusing on energy consumption. The reduction in consumption as well as the production of green energy. That is clean energy from renewable sources.
Reduce energy consumption
It is estimated that by 2025 the production of electricity and heat will be based on wind, y geothermal.
Investments for electricity and heat will be partly borne by the energy companies and the Municipality of Copenhagen will provide financial support in the form of loans. For example, for the construction of wind turbines y a geothermal power plant, among others.
Green mobility
Regarding transportation, the city is perfectly designed for people to move around by bicycle, since its cycle paths allow people to get from one place to another in a maximum of 20 minutes. Public transportation works in an intelligent way, where through digital signs people get current and instant information about the transport they want to use. It should be noted that the buses are electric, the subways are automatic and travel without a driver, the commuter trains known as “S train” are electric and allow you to take your bicycle for free and its high frequency and good connections between the means of public transport allow easy and fast to reach any point in the city and its surroundings.

With regard to cars, the population is increasingly using electric cars, and the municipality promotes and encourages this to happen. It is expected that by 2025 the vast majority of cars in the city will run on electricity, hydrogen, or biofuel.

It is expected that by 2025, 75% of all trips in the city will be made by bicycle, on foot or by public transport. At present, it can be observed that at certain times of the day there is a high concentration of bicycles circulating to different parts of the city.

Copenhagen municipality as a climate company
There is also a great commitment to regulating companies, street lighting, building construction, and employees’ jobs. And this is where the Municipality of Copenhagen positions itself as a “climate company“.
This commitment not only involves investment, support, and commitment from the Municipality but also training and education of employees and workers to promote environmental education and encourage environmentally friendly actions.

The great investment that this Plan implies will be reflected in a clean, sustainable, intelligent city with an increasingly higher quality of life. This can already be clearly seen as you walk around the city and make use of the services it offers.
In addition, it is important to note that the city has large green spaces distributed in different parts of the city that are used as spaces for recreation, leisure, and connection with nature.

Cover photo via Canva Pro