Tag Archives: enviromental impact

Eco - trends: Why should a brand be loyal to nature?
It seems like we haven’t been so kind to our planet in the past few decades. Developing our industry and generating profit seems more important than caring for a clean environment where our children will live one day. Every day we listen about contaminated air, polluted oceans, or depleted rein forests and we didn’t seem […]
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Renewable Sources: Everything you Need to Know About Clean Energy
Faced with the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, it is now more important than ever to resort to renewable energy sources. At the moment the earth is suffering and for this reason the accommodation facilities have realized they have to change their habits. There are many human activities that emit pollutants into the atmosphere. These include […]
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Expensive Snow: The Environmental Cost of Fake Snow
Every year, winter sports attract many tourists in the ski resorts, and when there is a lack of natural snow, we move to the production of artificial snow with snowmakers, when is sufficiently cold to maintain it. Nevertheless, the creation of artificial snow, diffused also thanks to global warming, implies the consumption of an impressive […]
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Save our cities from overtourism!
SET (Sud-Europe facing Overtourism): a network created by 15 European cities to denounce the destructive effects of mass tourism and promote the research for a new touristic system. Mass tourism brings enormous amounts of tourists in the main cities. The effects of the so-called overtourism are indeed severe. Cities lost their original artistic, natural and cultural heritage: […]
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