Tag Archives: overtourism

Sustainable Tourism: Definition Essay
Sustainable tourism (or responsible tourism) is a real important concept. Find out the definition This piece on sustainable tourism, its definition, principles, and types, is provided by Smart Writing Service, a professional essay writing service that cares about students. You may find out that the structure of this essay slightly differs from a standard one […]
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Solutions to Overtourism: Towards New Strategies of Sustainable Tourism
Many destinations are struggling with Overtourism. From Gated Tourism to Deseasonalisation, find out the possible solutions to overtourism. According to the World Tourism Organization, in 2030 the international flow of tourists will even exceed 2 billion. And even today, these flows are not equally distributed, as Overtourism affects only some specific places at specific times. […]
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5 Sustainable Tourism Books You Must Read
Sustainable tourism aims to simultaneously serve the needs of tourists and host communities, protecting and expanding opportunities for the future. To promote sustainable tourism is to manage all the resources involved in tourism, in such a way that economic, social and environmental needs can be met without neglecting the maintenance of cultural integrity, essential ecological […]
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Overtourism: Causes, Consequences and Solutions
Overtourism: one of the words that people use most in recent years. In effect, more and more often, tourist destinations suffer from overtourism, tourism overcrowding. Places that everyone wants to see because they are “famous”. Movie scenes shot in locations (such as Lake Braies) that now attract hordes of tourists looking for a short trip. Simply, they […]
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An unusual and sustainable holiday in Cinque Terre
It is easy to understand why Cinque Terre are so famous, why tourists from all over the world want to see the villages of this corner of Liguria: just go and you’ll get it. I am madly in love with this Italian destination and I hope to return soon, but I would like to do it without […]
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Lake Braies: a sustainable solution against overtourism
Lake Braies, in South Tyrol, is the largest lake in the Dolomites. Its emerald green and turquoise waters make it one of the most loved Italian lakes. However, the place is facing a serious overtourism problem, and an efficient solution was adopted. A few years ago, Lake Braies was mainly frequented by hikers, bikers, and […]
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Save our cities from overtourism!
SET (Sud-Europe facing Overtourism): a network created by 15 European cities to denounce the destructive effects of mass tourism and promote the research for a new touristic system. Mass tourism brings enormous amounts of tourists in the main cities. The effects of the so-called overtourism are indeed severe. Cities lost their original artistic, natural and cultural heritage: […]
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