Hiking trips are great fun! Not only will you get to visit many impressive countries and areas such as San Juan Pie de Puerto when signing up for a Camino Frances. But you also get to explore areas that are hard to get to without hiking, enjoy being outside and it’s great for your fitness. There are many hikes that you can sign up for, from a day hike to a couple of days and even a week or longer. Depending on your ability and your enjoyment of hiking, certain ones are more suited to different levels of ability and interest. So what should you consider before going on a hiking trip? Below we look into four considerations.
Make sure you have enough time
We touched on it above but the main thing to consider when booking a hiking trip is the amount of time you have. Remember, the distance you walk in front is potentially the distance you will need to travel back if you are doing a round trip. If you are signing up for a hiking trip online, they should give you an indication of how long the hike will be, the distance, and the altitude you will be hiking at. If you are going to do your own hike, then read up on the reviews of people who have attempted the one you are doing as that will give you a good indication of the time it will take.

Take care of your feet
This one may be a little obvious but when on a hike you will be on your feet for a long time. The last thing you want to do is have your shoes rubbing or blister coming up on your toes. These can be extremely painful and ruin the hiking trip altogether. Before the trip gives your toenails a cut and purchase some wool-blend socks as these should help.
Check the weather conditions
Some hiking trips like these Camino de Santiago can last five, six, or even seven days. That is a very long time if you’ve packed badly and don’t have the correct equipment due to guessing the wrong weather. 14 days before, check the weather and start to pack accordingly, you can keep an eye on it as the trip comes nearer. You would rather be prepared and have too much than fail to be prepared. When looking up the weather, this can help you make an estimate of what the trail conditions will be like.
Read up on local regulations
If you are travelling abroad for your hiking trip, remember the rules may not be the same as the local hikes you may be used to. Therefore, before heading on your trip do your research on the local regulations that you should be following. Most will have their rules on their websites but if not, follow the rules you would normally follow.
When is your next hiking trip? Are you planning on going on one anytime soon? What things do you recommend to people going on their first hiking trip? Let us know in the comment box below.
Cover image: Photo by Andrei Tanase via Pexels