Tag Archives: circular economy

According to the Academic Journal Emerald Insight, Ecobnb is an Example of Circular Economy and Smart Tourism
The Academic Journal Emerald Insight analyses the case of Ecobnb in a research paper about Circular Economy and Smart Tourism. Recently, a research paper called “Circular economy business model for smart tourism: the case of Ecobnb” was published in the journal Emerald Insight. It presents the case of Ecobnb in the context of business models of […]
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How to Support Local Farmers During Your Travels
No matter where you go in this big, wide world, you can help hometown merchants, farmers, and yourself by eating and shopping locally. By going to the county farmer’s markets or eating at a neighborhood eatery instead of the major chain restaurant, you can help the economy, support small businesses, and make the world an […]
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Deposit-Refund System: Save Money, Reduce Waste and Save the Planet
With the deposit-refund system, green innovation comes from the past. The system can significantly reduce waste, promote the circular economy and save 950,000 euros of oil per day in a country like Italy. For some Italian people, the expression “deposit-refund system” can evoke memories of youth, while for new generations it is almost completely unknown. In […]
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Circular Economy and Tourism. The Ecobnb’s Guide
If you don’t know how Circular Economy and Tourism are related, find it out in the Ecobnb’s Guide. What’s about the Circular Economy? The Circular Economy, is an economic system that aims to reduce waste and to regenerate products and services. This innovative economic system is based on the philosophy of ‘Remake, Reuse, Recycle‘, so […]
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12 Useful Tips to sustain Circular Economy and to do Informed Purchases
Almost every day we are listening to people talking about issues like pollution and degradation of the environment. Experts’ forecasts about our future are often tragic. Is there a real solution to this? Yes, but only if we make a sustainable decision and do informed purchases. The future is unpredictable, but together we can make […]
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