Tag Archives: European Week of Waste Reduction

Waste Is Out Of Fashion!
Fashion is a means of expressing people’s personalities and styles. While the textile sector is crucial in the global economy, it also has a high environmental impact. During Waste Reduction Week (EWWR), we will look at ways to reduce fashion-related waste. There are many ideas and each of us can do his part! SERR: What […]
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Stop with waste! How to Commuicate Waste Reduction to your Guests
The European Week of waste reduction takes place every year. This event is fundamental as it deals with important issues such as waste reduction. Let’s discover together 5 tips to effectively communicate to your guests the importance of reducing waste. While traveling, we’re more predisposed to change our habits. Staying in an ecobnb can give […]
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Top 4 eco-friendly gift ideas for Christmas
Christmas is coming and we all are thinking what to give as a gift to relatives, boyfriend and friends. This year, however, we can forget about deleterious racing to the shops, the anxiety of not knowing what to buy; forget the scarves and hats and instead give something truly memorable and precious: experiences. As we […]
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Zero Waste Hotels: best practices in Italy
Hotels and all the accommodations generate large volumes of waste every year that endanger the local natural attractions and produce more and more greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the dramatic climate change in recent years. In America, for example, the hotel industry annually produces 13.6 million tons of waste. A statistic of the Piedmont region […]
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10 ideas to reduce waste on holiday
On the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, here there are new Ecobnb’s tips for a more sustainable lifestyle. Let’s find out 10 ideas to reduce waste in our travels! 1. Avoid bottled water We suggest you to always carry a water bottle and, when possible, to drink from the fountains of the city […]
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Dematerialization: let’s do more with less!
Did you know that the product consumption (including production, transport and distribution), represents about 50% of CO2 emissions contributing to climate change? This is nothing new: the average of waste generated each year by each inhabitant of Europe is 525 kilograms, and need to be reduced drastically. Our lifestyle based on consumption should evolve in the culture of reuse, […]
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Amazing anti-waste projects
In modern society important techniques and ideas to reduce every day wasting have become increasingly important, in fact the consumer lifestyle, that is common among most of the world’s population, brings us to produce a lot more of waste than is not really necessary. Just think about the world production of waste, which is, per […]
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