Tag Archives: environmental impact

Measuring What Matters: The New Global Standard to Measure the Sustainability of Tourism Adopted by UN
The United Nations has embraced a new global standard to measure the sustainability of tourism worldwide. This framework has garnered unanimous approval from all 193 UN member states, signifying a significant step towards harmonizing methodologies for assessing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability in tourism. Officially dubbed the Statistical Framework for Measuring the […]
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Planet vs Plastic: The Challenge Of Earth Day 2024
It’s no longer a secret: the environmental impact of plastic has reached sky-high levels. As a matter of fact, according to the United Nations, we are letting our planet drown in a plastic sea. This is precisely why Earth Day 2024 (the biggest environmental event in the world) will have “Planet vs. Plastic” as its […]
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Tips for a More Ecological Christmas
Our every action and lifestyle has an impact on the Planet, and Christmas holidays are no exception. Among Christmas shopping, decorations, travel, the Christmas holidays have a huge environmental impact. Studies show that the ecological footprint of Christmas increases year by year, causing almost 5.5% of the greenhouse gas emissions that each of us produces […]
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What is Sustainable Travel: 8 Best Practices
What is sustainable travel? Traveling sustainably means being aware of the impact of tourism on the environment and adopting good practices to reduce the negative effects. Planet Earth has limited resources and mass tourism puts their existence at risk. Therefore, sustainable travel is a way to preserve nature, instead of commodifying it to attract tourists. What […]
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